“When should my child have their first eye exam?” is a question we often hear. The mantra is, “Check yearly to see clearly.” There’s a common misconception that a child must be able to read letters to have an eye exam. We have playful tools, toys, and techniques to evaluate nonverbal infants, shy toddlers, and school-age children just learning their letters.
“But they haven’t complained about their eyes or vision” is another phrase we often hear. Children only know the way they see and don’t have comparison value, so won’t complain or understand the concept of “blurry.” If you need glasses, there is a high chance your child will also. If a child is born with an eye that doesn’t see well, intervention is very effective before age 3. Brain function is very adaptable up to this point, as the visual cortex is still developing. This is the most important reason to bring in your baby for their well infant exam.
Lastly, we have specialized contact lenses to prevent growing kids’ myopia from getting worse. These are most effective before age 12. Beat the back-to-school rush and schedule your kids’ annual exams today online at www.RainierEye.com or by calling 360.506.5544.